Del mateix grup de fanàtics del trad que han estat obrint pel Cap d'Oltrera, penjo les ressenyes de les vies que també han obert a una petita paret a la que suposo ells han anomenat Racó del Rossinyol ja que no tinc coneixement que hi hagi cap lloc cartografiat amb aquest nom. Al igual que al Cap d'Oltrera, es tracta de vies d'un sol llarg però que pel fet d'haver-n'hi diverses ens amortitzarà una visita ben complerta. Penjo les ressenyes i els graus proposats com a referencia però per a una visita al sector serà imprescindible una visita a la seva web:
´ de nou a en Gerber Cucurell per passar-me la info
01. 6a,
02. 6a, 03. 6c,
04. 7a
05. 7a,
06. 7a
07. 6a,
08. 6b,.
09. 5,
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Strange "water hack" burns 2 lbs in your sleep
More than 160 000 men and women are trying a easy and SECRET "liquids hack" to lose 1-2 lbs each night as they sleep.
It's effective and it works every time.
Here's how you can do it yourself:
1) Hold a drinking glass and fill it with water half full
2) And then follow this crazy HACK
you'll be 1-2 lbs thinner in the morning!
As reported by Stanford Medical, It is indeed the SINGLE reason women in this country get to live 10 years more and weigh on average 19 kilos lighter than we do.
(And by the way, it really has NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret exercise and EVERYTHING to do with "how" they eat.)
P.S, I said "HOW", and not "what"...
TAP on this link to reveal if this short questionnaire can help you decipher your true weight loss potential
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